CSGWSHC: Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo

Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo


Get a nationally recognised qualification for - Work Safely at Heights (RIIWHS204E), Enter and Work in Confined Spaces (RIIWHS202E) and Gas Test Atmospheres (MSMWHS217) in the one combo course.

Course Description:
Course content includes information from all individual courses combined together with the requirement of completing a prior online theory component. This course is designed for participants that have a need to enter and/or work at heights, or in confined spaces and test gas atmospheres as part of their duties. The course covers both theoretical and practical implications of the work at heights, confined space and gas test atmospheres legislation. This course covers the skills and knowledge required to test the working atmosphere using electronic test apparatus to find out if it is safe to conduct the proposed work.

Units of Competency:
RIIWHS204E - Work Safely at Heights
RIIWHS202E - Enter and work in confined space
MSMWHS217 – Gas Test Atmospheres

Course Content:

Work Safely at Heights

  • Practical control measures in place to eliminate or reduce the risk of falling.

  • General legislative requirements

  • General guidance information Implementation of AS/NZS 1891

  • Be able to use the process for controlling the risk of working at heights

  • Understand the requirements with regard to EWP and Scaffold use

Work and Enter Confined Spaces

  • Understanding current legislation‚ terms and definitions

  • Risk assessment/Job Safety Analysis Permit System

  • Understanding tag out/lockout

  • Understanding and demonstrating hazard reduction and risk assessment

  • Understanding and monitoring atmospheric testing equipment

  • Tally boards

Gas Testing

  • Preparation for Gas Testing

  • Use of Gas Testing equipment

  • Understanding and demonstrating hazard reduction and risk assessment

  • Understanding and monitoring atmospheric testing equipment

  • Densities of Gases

RMS Entry Requirements:
18 years old
Sound verbal and written comprehension of the English language is mandatory
Enclosed shoes, long pants, long-sleeved shirt
Two forms of identification one of which must be photo ID

Course Duration: One (1) day with prerequisite online theory to be completed prior to the day

Course Fee: $600
If you are directly employed, or previously been employed, in the Building and Construction industry in WA you may qualify for CTF funding which can significantly reduce your training costs.
See CTF Student Information under the information tab on the home page

Target Audience:

Learning Outcomes:

Learning Methods:

Program Benefits:


Enrolment Options:

Name Date Time Location Available Spaces Cost Single Enrolment Group Enrolment Add to Cart for combo bookings
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 10 September 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 2 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 13 September 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 4 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 17 September 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 4 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 24 September 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 3 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 1 October 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 5 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 8 October 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 4 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 15 October 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 5 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 22 October 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 3 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 29 October 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 5 $600.00
Confined Space, Gas Test Atmospheres & Work Safely at Heights Combo 5 November 2024 08:00 am - 04:30 pm JOONDALUP 5 $600.00