Getting a start in mining


Your Guide to better understanding how to get a start in mining, construction or transport! An easy to read guide that will help you get that new job in the mining, construction or transport industry!

You will find the information both informative and interesting. We believe it will enhance your knowledge and provide new and positive direction in your quest to join the mining, construction of transport industries.

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RMS has developed an easy to read guide that will help you to better understand what is needed to get a start in the mining, construction or transport industry!

You will find the information both informative and interesting. We believe it will provide new and positive direction in your quest to join the mining, construction of transport industries.

  • Topics covered include:
  • The age-old question, how do I get a start?
  • What do I have, that the employer would need?
  • Does attitude play a key role?
  • Applying for that new job.
  • Rosters, home life and hobbies.
  • Contractors, companies and recruiters.
  • Everyone says I need experience!
  • Do I need all these tickets to get a job?
  • Automation, where does that leave me?
  • Salaries, conditions and bonuses.
  • Jobs, and where to find them.
  • Camps, cooks and uniforms.
  • Where to from here?
  • Summary by author

This 23-page information guide is based on the experience of the author. Having worked in the mining, construction and transport industry all his life, the information provided is designed to enhance your knowledge of the industry and explain what is required, what you need to do and how you need to go about getting that new, better paying industry job.


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